Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 3 October, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Ballot packs mailed this week for Greater Shepparton City Council election

Ballot packs mailed this week for Greater Shepparton City Council election.

Returning Officer for the election Mick Bastian is encouraging people to vote as early as possible: ‘With the whole election being conducted by post, it’s incredibly important voters complete and return their ballot material as soon as possible to make sure their vote counts.’

Ballot papers must be posted or hand-delivered to the election office by 6.00 pm Friday 21 October or they cannot be counted.

Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October should call 1300 587 259 during business hours to arrange a replacement.

Candidates who have nominated to stand for election are listed in the ballot packs.

Where provided by candidates, a photo and statement will be included. Voters can also view candidates’ answers to the candidate questionnaire online.

Voting is compulsory for voters who were on the State roll for this election at 4.00 pm Friday 26 August 2016—State-enrolled voters who don’t vote may be fined. Voters aged 70 years or older and council-enrolled voters are encouraged to vote but will not be fined if they don’t vote.


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