Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 4 December, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

CBD shop vacancy rates down

Vacancy rates for shops in the Shepparton CBD have reduced over a four month period according to an audit conducted on 14 November 2014 by Greater Shepparton City Council’s Investment Attraction department.

Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Investment Attraction Geraldine Christou said “There are currently 70 shops vacant within the defined CBD area, which is down 12 shops from the last audit conducted at the end of August 2014, where 82 vacancies were recorded.”

“The streets with the greatest change in vacancy rates were High Street and Wyndham Street,” said Ms Christou. “The drop in the vacancy rate at this time of the year is similar to what has occurred in previous years.”

“The lowering of the vacancy rates indicates confidence in Shepparton as a retail precinct,” said Ms Christou. “This is particularly pleasing as the Renew Shepparton initiative, a collaborative campaign between Council, Shepparton Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Shepparton Show Me and the Committee for Greater Shepparton, is scheduled to commence soon.”

Renew is a national social enterprise designed to catalyse community renewal, economic development, the arts and creative industries across Australia. Renew Australia works with communities and property owners to take otherwise empty shops, offices, commercial and public buildings and use them to incubate short-term use by artists, creative projects and community initiatives.

Ms Christou encouraged everyone to support our local business community by venturing out and experiencing the festive atmosphere that exists in our own municipality and shopping locally.


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