Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 7 September, 2023. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Celebrate World Rivers Day in Greater Shepparton

RiverConnect will celebrate World Rivers Day on Sunday 24 September at Victoria Park Lake, with residents invited to attend and join in the free school holiday celebrations.

RiverConnect is an 18 year partnership of community and agencies responsible for the health and vitality of our local rivers and floodplains.

World Rivers Day, held on the last Sunday in September, is a celebration of the waterways around the world. The day aims to highlight the many values of our rivers, while increasing public awareness and encouraging improved ownership.

The heritage listed Goulburn River, or Kaiela in Yorta Yorta language, is recognised for its cultural significance and interconnected social, economic, recreational and educational values.

With Greater Shepparton’s strong ties to the river, RiverConnect is looking forward to hosting another successful World Rivers Day event for the community. The 2023 event will run from 9am to 12pm at Victoria Park Lake, with stalls, activities, food and entertainment for people to enjoy.

This year’s event will also see the inaugural River Run Race, where competitors can form a team, create a theme and costume, and build a DIY canoe to wear and race on the land. The canoe should be made from recyclable and second-hand materials wherever possible, with registrations open for entries in the corporate, community or youth team races. By using recyclable materials, the resources will be given another life before they are returned to the system to be recycled and used all over again.

Council’s Director Sustainable Development, Geraldine Christou, said Council was pleased to join millions of people around the world to celebrate World Rivers Day.

“Our rivers connect our communities, with the Broken River meeting the Goulburn River in the heart of Shepparton. Our community members continue to enjoy what the rivers have to offer, with fishing being a popular pastime in the region,” she said.

“There will be lots of free activities at our World Rivers Day event for the whole family, including our inaugural River Run Race. We look forward to seeing people’s canoe creations and watching them take on the land race for the first time.

The race will have plenty of twists and turns and challenges along the way, with the champions walking away with not just bragging rights, but a legacy trophy for next year.”

To find out more about the River Run Race or to register your team, visit

Registrations are not required for the World Rivers Day event and entry is free. To find out more, visit the RiverConnect Facebook page 


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