Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 18 November, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

CFA declare TOTAL FIRE BAN Thur 19 Nov 2015

Total Fire Bans have been declared for the Mallee, Wimmera, Northern Country and North Central fire weather districts from 12.01am Thursday 19 November 2015.

Extreme fire danger is forecast for the Mallee with temperatures expected in the low 40’s, while severe fire danger is forecast for the Wimmera, Northern Country and North Central. 

The South West, Central (including Melbourne and Geelong), North East and West and South Gippsland can expect very high fire danger.

CLICK HERE to see what you can and can't do during the declared days of Total Fire Ban.

CFA Chief Officer Joe Buffone said fire authorities were bracing for a dangerous fire day, particularly in the West and central parts of the state.

“We’ve seen several days of hot dry weather which has dried out the grass lands to the point they are now ready to burn,” Mr Buffone said.

“There is no excuse for lighting a fire in these conditions, and all fires which have are already burning must be fully extinguished.”

Mr Buffone urged farmers to take extra care while harvesting tomorrow and monitor conditions, particularly wind speed.

No fires can be lit in the open air in districts where a total fire ban had been declared and urged people to double and triple check any burn-offs they might have conducted on their land in recent weeks.

“With conditions worsening Victorians need to ensure all private burn offs are 100 per cent extinguished. Burns should be checked a second or even third time.

It follows several fires already started by the reignition of private burn offs, some many days after they were extinguished.

Mr Buffone said Victoria had entered the summer weather pattern meaning the risk of bush and grass fires would be here until autumn.

“Now is the time to prepare your property, to make a plan for what you will do if a fire starts in your neighbourhood. Have a conversation with your family and plan for all the possibilities,” he said.


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