Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 15 December, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Check your pool fence today, before your child does.

Greater Shepparton City Council is asking for all residents to check their swimming pool/ spa fencing and gates in preparation for the warmer weather and holiday period.

The installation of child proof barriers around swimming pools and spas are compulsory under State Government legislation and for any new pools or spas you must get a building permit before constructing the fence around the pool or spa.

Drowning is the single largest cause of death of children up to four years old.

The Council is keen to ensure that action is taken to prevent any tragedies and will offer assistance and information to residents to facilitate the installation of appropriate child safety barriers.

It is the pool and spa owners’ and occupiers responsibility to ensure that all safety barriers are properly installed and adequately maintained.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director of Sustainable Development, Johann Rajaratnam said “Now that it is getting warmer, we all want to be outside using our pools and spas and enjoying the lovely weather. As such, we need to ensure all fences and gates are operational and up to code”. “So we are asking for owners of pools and spas to be diligent and check that their fences and gates are all in good working order before the holiday period”.

Here are some tips when checking safety barriers remember:

  •  Pool fences, fences, gates, doors and windows that form the barrier must be fitted and operating correctly;
  •  Ensure the barrier area is maintained and landscaped so that children can't climb objects including tree branches, pot plants, boxes, play equipment, clothes lines to gain access to the swimming pool/spa; and
  •  Consider inspecting adjoining properties to ensure there are no potential hazards or objects that may allow young children access to the swimming pool/spa.
  • Never prop open any gate providing access to the swimming pool or spa.

If fences do not comply with Building Regulations 2006, this could result in the owners receiving large fines,” Mr Rajaratnam said.

For more information on child safety around pools visit  and view their pools and spas checking or contact Greater Shepparton City Council on 5832 9700.


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