Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 15 July, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Children and young people needed to plan for future needs of region

Children and young people live, learn and play in local places that Council runs or looks after. So it makes sense that Council wants to hear from them about the things in our neighbourhoods that impact their ability to live happy, healthy and connected lives.

Greater Shepparton City Council is excited to be partnering with The Faculty of Education at Monash University and VicHealth to deliver the Kids Co-designing Healthy Places program. The program aims to support local councils to work on designing healthy places with kids by providing a range of online tools and guidance.

Looking after the health of people in our community is one of the important jobs that local councils do. Our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan guides how we will work over the next few years to make our neighbourhood a healthier place to live.  

“We really need your help, or specifically we need your kids’ help!” said Mayor, Cr Shane Sali.

“We are going to be designing places and spaces that children and young people use including local streets, parks, playgrounds, sportsgrounds, libraries and shopping areas. We want to know what they think and what they would like to see in their neighbourhood.

“It’s really important that we have your young persons’ input and ideas which will help us to plan for and build healthier places for you, your family and everyone else.

“By including our young people’s voices and involving them in the design process we can build healthier futures together.”

Families interested in providing feedback for a healthy future in our region can visit Shaping Greater Shepp to participate or look out for the insert in The Adviser on Wednesday 20 July.


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