Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 1 November, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Community encouraged to apply for Round Two Council Grants

Round two of Greater Shepparton City Council’s 2018/19 grants programs will open from today 1 November and the community is encouraged to take a look at the range on offer and make an application.

The Our Sporting Future, Community Arts Grants, Small and Large Event Grants, Community Matching Grants and Community Sustainability Grants are all currently open for application until 5.00pm Monday 4 February 2019.

Greater Shepparton City Council Director Sustainable Development Geraldine Christou said the grants are a great opportunity for the community to obtain financial assistance for projects, activities or events that need funding and will start after 17 April 2019.

“Council provides assistance to community organisations for worthwhile projects that meet the criteria. There are lots of small groups in our municipality that could do with a helping hand and we are keen to provide funds to see some of these projects get off the ground,” said Mrs Christou.

Greater Shepparton City Council is offering drop in sessions for interested applicants to discuss their application with Council’s Grants Coordinator.

Drop in session dates:

  1. Tuesday 20 November                   12pm - 2pm
  2. Tuesday 4 December                     4pm - 6pm
  3. Wednesday 12 December              11am - 1pm
  4. Monday 17 December                    12pm - 2pm
  5. Monday 14 January                        4pm - 6pm
  6. Wednesday 23 January                  10am - 1pm
  7. Wednesday 30 January                  10am - 12pm
  8. Wednesday 30 January                  4pm - 6pm

All drop in sessions will be held at Council’s Main Reception 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton.  

More information is available by clicking here.


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