Council wants to hear from all residents of Greater Shepparton including the business community, local agencies, organisations and committees.
The feedback received will help shape the way Council engages with the community including the use of appropriate, effective and inclusive community engagement practices.
Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Neighbourhoods Amanda Tingay said Council was reviewing how we communicate, engage, consult and make decisions with the community.
“We want to make sure we are providing information in a timely manner but also in the way that suits our community,” Ms Tingay said.
“Council has a series of questions to ask residents including how and when we need to engage with the community and also what information is important to you.”
The consultation will inform Council’s draft Policy which would then be taken to a Council Meeting for public release and community comment. The final Community Engagement Policy would be adopted at a later Council meeting.
Council encourages residents to fill out the survey on the website. Alternatively, people can drop into the Council offices or phone 5832 9700 and speak to an Officer who can conduct the survey over the phone.
In addition Council will have polls on social media: to access these follow Greater Shepparton on Facebook or connect on Instagram for more information.
“Ultimately, we would like a broad range of our community to participate which is why we have a variety of ways to complete the survey,” Ms Tingay said.
The survey will close on Monday 14 October and can be found here.