Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 16 February, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Community feedback sought on Draft Climate Emergency Action Plan

Greater Shepparton City Council is now seeking community feedback on the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan, after declaring a Climate Emergency and adopting a 2030 Zero Emissions Plan.

Significant climate change impacts such as drought, fire, severe frosts, storms, heat and extreme rainfall events directly affect the productivity of our agricultural industry, the businesses that service the industry and the health and safety of residents. Tourism is also a growing industry for Greater Shepparton, and an increasingly unstable and unsafe climate will make it difficult to attract and deliver high quality events.

Our natural assets and values, such as the health of the Goulburn and Broken Rivers and the ecosystems and wildlife, are under threat from the impacts of Climate Change. Council recognises the region is well known as the Food Bowl of Victoria, and that agriculture is the backbone of our economy, and needs to be protected.

Science is telling us we have a small window of opportunity to act immediately to reduce our emissions and prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

Mayor, Councillor Kim O’Keeffe said the call for a Climate Emergency declaration came from local residents calling for Council to demonstrate leadership to address greenhouse gas emissions for the long term benefit of our youth, residents, agriculture, industry, businesses and biodiversity.

“Urgent climate action is needed, not just to reduce emissions for a safe climate into the future, but to develop and implement initiatives that will allow the entire community to work together with Council to act and get involved in adapting to climate change,” she said.

“Everyone can make a difference and we would like to know how we can support our community’s needs.

“We are now inviting the community to provide their feedback on the draft plan. Climate Change affects everyone in our community and everyone should have the opportunity to provide their feedback.”

The draft plan can be accessed on the Shaping Greater Shepp website at Shaping Greater Shepparton 

Consultation is open to the community from Thursday 17 February 2022 and will close on Friday 25 March 2022. If you require assistance to complete your submission, please contact Council at or via (03) 5832 9700.


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