Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 27 May, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Community Matching Grants Round Two - 2018/19

Greater Shepparton City Council approved the recommendation to financially assist 13 local community projects under the Community Matching Grants Scheme at the May Ordinary Council Meeting.

Round Two of the 2018/2019 scheme will see a total of $41,012.91, GST inclusive, distributed throughout the region.

Community Matching Grants are designed to support projects from the Greater Shepparton community which:

  • Build new social connections and partnerships within communities, or reinforce those that already exist
  • Allow participation in a community activity, at all stages of the project from planning to completion
  • Enable community members to acquire or develop a new skill
  • Create, renew or revitalise places and spaces within the community.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe, congratulated all the groups and clubs that submitted eligible applications.

“Council was pleased to approve the financial assistance of projects all around the region via the Community Matching Grants Scheme,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“Round Two of the scheme brings the total number of community projects assisted by Council to 229 with a total investment from Council of $505,104 since its inception in 2011.”

Each project under the Community Matching Grants Scheme is required to provide a matching component of the total project cost, either through a cash or in-kind (material or labour) contribution.



Allocation (Inc. GST)

Shepparton Access

Native Fauna and Flora Lane


Westside Circus

Altitude Pathways Program - Training and Delivery Component


Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group Inc.

Walking Together: community conversations - a pilot


Goulburn Valley West Group of The Country Women's Association of Vic Inc.

Creative Arts Exhibition


St Georges Road Community Planning Group

St Georges Road Community Drive-In


Undera Football Netball Club

Netball Court Pole Pads


Shepparton Theatre Arts Group

Providing a defibrillation Machine to Shepparton Theatre Arts Group


Kiwanis Club of Shepparton Sunrisers

KidsTown Outdoor Classroom


Multicultural Arts Victoria

Heard Instinct Open Mic Nights


Catholic Care Sandhurst

One Village App


Greater Shepparton Basketball Association

Wheelies Uniforms


Mooroopna Community Plan Steering Group

Reactivating Mooroopna Pool


St John Ambulance Australia Victoria

Essential Volunteer Equipment Upgrade



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