Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 12 June, 2024. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Community Satisfaction face-to-face surveys taking place in Greater Shepparton

Greater Shepparton residents are reminded that face-to-face surveys are taking place, as well as phone surveys, in the region from now until Monday 24 June 2024 as part of the 2023/2024 fourth quarter Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey.

Research resource company Thinkfield are conducting the surveys which are a useful way for Council to understand whether it is meeting community expectations for the services it provides.

Thinkfield is currently in Greater Shepparton to conduct the in-person surveys, with residents encouraged to take part if they are approached over the coming days. All responses are confidential and are grouped with others.

“The surveys are a useful tool for Council to gather feedback directly from residents. We want to know what they think of Council’s performance and service to ensure we are continually improving our delivery to the community,” Director Corporate Services, Chris Teitzel said.

“Residents can be assured that if they are approached in person to take part in the survey, it is legitimate and is being conducted on behalf of Council.”

For further information about the Community Satisfaction Surveys, phone Council on (03) 5832 9700.


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