Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 22 September, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Contract awarded for Maude Street Mall redevelopment

Construction works on the Maude Street Mall redevelopment are one step closer to commencement following the awarding of the contract at Tuesday’s Council Meeting.

Shepparton based company Jarvis Delahey Contractors Pty Ltd were awarded the contract to complete the major redevelopment works, with a contract value of approximately $13.7 million. The works, which are expected to commence next month, will see the function and visual amenity of the area improved with returning traffic while ensuring its primacy as the heart of the Shepparton CBD is maintained.

Low speed one-way traffic will return on Maude Street, from Fryers Street to High Street, with parallel parking spaces along both sides of the roadway. A new playground will be installed along with new street furniture and low garden beds to improve the streetscape and amenities for residents and visitors. The playground will be one of the first activities which could be ready by Christmas this year. The full redevelopment is scheduled for completion by late 2022.

Greater Shepparton City Council Deputy Mayor, Cr Rob Priestly said the awarding of the contract was an exciting step in getting the redevelopment works underway.

“The Maude Street Mall redevelopment has been a work in progress for a number of years and it is fantastic to now be able to award the contract to a local company and see the works get underway in the coming weeks,” he said.

“The completed space will be a fantastic community area with new amenities, ample parking and great access to the many wonderful businesses who call the Maude Street Mall home.”

Cr Priestly said the successful contract would see the least amount of disruption to traders during the Christmas period while still maintaining progress and efficiency during the works. Businesses will continue trading during the redevelopment, with all footpaths fronting shops to remain in place to allow access at all times.

“Council will continue to work closely with traders and the public during the project to ensure updates are provided on progress and planned activities, and to ensure there is plenty of opportunity for feedback and coordination,” Cr Priestly said.

“We are extremely excited to see the community’s vision for the Maude Street Mall come to life, with the final project providing flexibility and adaptability to better cater for changing industries and consumer demands.”

The Maude Street Mall redevelopment is jointly funded by the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund, the State Government’s Regional Infrastructure Fund and Council contributions.

For more information about the works contact Manager Projects on 5832 9700, via email at or visit the Maude Street Mall redevelopment page.


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