Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 2 May, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Coranderrk – what might have been at Riverlinks WestSide

Join Ilbijerri Theatre Company as they present Coranderrk – a definitive story from our neglected Indigenous history, this Saturday at Riverlinks WestSide Mooroopna. Coranderrk is about what might have been.

At a Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry in 1881, the men and women of the Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve went head-to-head with the Aboriginal Protection Board. Their goal was both simple and revolutionary: to be allowed to continue the brilliant experiment in self-determination they had pioneered for themselves on the scrap of country left to them. 

Coranderrk recreates the Inquiry. This is both great theatre and great history. It revives the voices of all those, black and white, who fought for a better pact between the country’s oldest and newest inhabitants.

This special production pays tribute to the resilience and adaptability of a people who rose to the challenge despite the odds, appropriating the power of the written word to make their own voices ring loud and clear.

A collaboration between leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists, researchers, education experts and community members, Coranderrk aims to encourage a shared understanding of the past between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.

Coranderrk stars an all Indigenous cast, including lead actor Trevor Jamieson, who is a widely recognised and celebrated performer known for his role as Uncle Max in the ABC TV series Cleverman, as well as his performances in both the ABC TV mini-series and Sydney Theatre Company national tour of The Secret Garden.

Tickets for Coranderrk are available online or through the Riverlinks Box Office: 03 5832 9511.

For the full selection of shows on offer, visit


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