Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 22 June, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council adopts 2022/2023 Budget for Greater Shepparton

Greater Shepparton City Council adopted the 2022/2023 Budget at the June Council Meeting, with a motion for a zero per cent rate rise supported.

The budget was developed following extensive community consultation to gather the needs and desires of residents.

Council initially developed a 2022/2023 Draft Budget which was released for public feedback in April for five weeks. Council received a total of 37 submissions on 19 topics, which resulted in over $330,000 added to the adopted 2022/2023 Budget for several important community projects and initiatives. These include:

  • Murchison-Toolamba Community Hub design - $80,000
  • Katandra West Hall landscaping - $70,000
  • Shepparton Search and Rescue increased contribution from $16,500 to $88,000
  • Tatura Park Playground - $50,000
  • Toolamba Tennis Court redevelopment design - $40,000
  • Shepparton Foodshare contribution increased from $30,000 to $50,000

Mayor, Cr Shane Sali said these additions to the adopted Budget document prove the importance of community consultation during a process such as this one.

“A big thank you to everyone who took the time to provide their feedback on the Draft Budget earlier this year. This feedback helped Council better understand where residents believe money should be spent, and we were proud to add more than $330,000 into the final document for community projects,” he said.

“We hope the addition of this funding helps these local community groups and service clubs continue the fantastic work they are currently doing in our region. This result truly shows the impact and importance of community feedback to the annual Budget process.”

The adopted Budget includes a capital works program of $62.6 million which focuses on investing in existing assets, with 85 per cent of the capital works program to be spent on upgrade and renewal projects across Greater Shepparton, providing great opportunities for local businesses. This includes $6.17 million on the Knight and Hawdon Street upgrade, $5.75 million for Strategic Cycling Corridors, and $5.32 million on the Fryers and Railway Parade upgrade.

Following the development of the draft Budget, Council saw a rise in the cost of processing co-mingled recyclable products which resulted in an increase to the waste service charges in the adopted document. The service charges included in the adopted Budget increased from anywhere between 4.12 per cent and 22.99 percent, with charges now ranging from $107.00 for 120L or 240L recyclables to $466.00 for 240L waste/recyclables. While this increase was not accounted for the in the draft Budget, the change was deemed necessary due to the increasing costs and the ability to meet recyclability needs across the region.

Cr Sali said in preparing the 2022/2023 Budget, Council took in to account the changing economic climate as the region continues through the pandemic recovery.

“The adopted zero per cent rate rise is below the State Government’s Fair Go Rates System rate cap of 1.75 per cent and was endorsed in recognition of the hardship many in the community are experiencing after COVID,” he said.

As an identified budget influence, rate increases below the rate cap put further pressure on Council’s ability to maintain revenues in line with inflation to fund projects and services that the community value, while ensuring long term financial sustainability.

To view the adopted 2022/2023 Budget, visit Council’s website.


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