Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 26 June, 2024. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council adopts Policy to address fair access for women and girls in community sport

Greater Shepparton City Council adopted the Sport and Recreation Facilities Fair Access Policy, and accompanying Action Plan, at its June Council Meeting on Tuesday.

In Summary

  • Council adopts the Sport and Recreation Facilities Fair Access Policy and Action Plan to ensure fair access for women and girls in community sports.
  • The Policy aims to identify and eliminate gender inequality in sports facilities, with Council playing a key role in building capacity and capability.
  • The Action Plan outlines 12 actions, including audits, training, and support initiatives, with specified time frames to enhance inclusivity.
  • Mayor Cr Shane Sali emphasises the importance of the Policy in promoting active participation and breaking down barriers in local sports, reflecting the community's strong sports culture.

The Policy seeks to address known barriers experienced by women and girls in accessing and using community sports facilities. It outlines the role of Council in building capacity and capability to identify and eliminate the causes of gender inequality in policy, programs, communications and the delivery of services relating to community sports facilities. 

The Action Plan then outlines the steps and strategies Council will undertake to support the inclusion of women, girls and diverse groups in accessing and using community sports infrastructure. The Action Plan includes a list of 12 actions to be achieved by Council, user groups and local sporting organisations, with each assigned a time frame for completion. These actions include:

  • An audit of existing sports and recreation facilities to identify and prioritise design improvements that support fair access.
  • Identify and promote training opportunities to community sport and recreation users and facilitators on how to create an inclusive and welcoming environment.
  • Promote social sporting opportunities within the municipality.
  • Identify and promote training and support for women and girls to become coaches and officials.
  • Review Council’s Community Grants to support initiatives that empower and upskill women and girls.

The adoption of the Policy is in accordance with the Fair Access Policy Roadmap, which says all Victorian Councils need to have gender equitable access and use policies in place to ensure that women and girls can fully participate in, and enjoy the benefits of, community sport.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said this was an important Policy for Council and one with great relevance given the community’s love and appreciation of local sport.

“Our region lives and breathes sport. Sport and active recreation is such a visible and valued part of Greater Shepparton’s culture and identity, and this Policy and accompanying Action Plan ensure active participation for all community members,” he said.

“The Policy and Action Plan address the known barriers experienced by women and girls in accessing and using community sports infrastructure and facilities, and we hope to see many positive outcomes as a result of their implementation.”

The Sport and Recreation Facilities Fair Access Policy and Action Plan can be found on Council’s webpage here.


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