Three grants will be open for applications:
- Community Matching Grants
- Community Arts Grants
- Our Sporting Future Grants
Council’s Stage 2 Greater Shepparton Economic Response to COVID-19 Package was announced at the June Council Meeting and included 29 new measures to assist the community deal with the economic impacts of the pandemic.
One of the measures was to open grants specifically for organisations that have been heavily impacted by the virus, or are supporting other community groups in the recovery phase of the pandemic.
Applications for the Community Matching and Community Arts Grants will close Friday 31 July 2020, while the Our Sporting Future Grants will close Friday 14 August.
Council Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said the community can apply for financial assistance for projects, activities or events that will help reboot the region in the recovery phase of COVID-19.
“The financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt right across our region, and Council is committed to assisting Greater Shepparton see it through to the other side of the emergency,” Cr Abdullah said.
“These grants are just one of the 29 measures that make up the Stage 2 Greater Shepparton Economic Response to COVID-19 Package, and we know more support is always needed in times like these.
“I encourage the community to head to Council’s website for a look at what grants are on offer, there might just be a grant suited to your community group or sporting club that can assist you in these tough times.”
Those interested in discussing their application directly with Council’s Grants Coordinator can phone (03) 5832 5218 to make an appointment.
More information on all grants, and application forms, are available here.