Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 23 October, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council formalises Ask of Government priorities

Greater Shepparton City Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday adopted its ‘Ask of Government’ document, articulating the Greater Shepparton community’s key priorities for future funding.

The advocacy document will be utilised in the lead up to the 2018 State Election and the future Federal Election, seeking commitment from politicians to partner on the delivery of those key projects.

The document included the following key priorities: Retention of water for irrigated agriculture and associated manufacturing industries, construction of the Goulburn Valley Highway Shepparton Bypass Stage 1, increased and improved Passenger Rail Services between Shepparton and Melbourne, further investment to revitalise the Shepparton CBD including the completion of the Maude Street Bus Interchange Redevelopment and the Maude Street Mall, Goulburn Valley Health Redevelopment Stage 2 including an integrated cancer centre, the Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence, Shepparton Sports Stadium, Greening Shepparton Initiatives, Shepparton Aerodrome Relocation, Goulburn Regional Partnership Priorities, Greater Victoria Commonwealth Games, Shepparton Education Plan, GV Link and the broader issue of Regional Status; requesting that the Greater Shepparton area be fully recognised as a regional centre.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Dinny Adem thanked the community for their input into the development of this document.

“Each priority listed in this document is important in providing significant social and economic outcomes, and we will advocate strongly for them.

“In particular, the retention of water for our irrigated agriculture and associated manufacturing industries is the key priority for our region, with the security of water ensuring that our agricultural industries are able to grow.

“Over the coming months with the assistance of our local State representatives we will conduct meetings with the relevant Ministers and Shadow Ministers to discuss these priorities, with the aim of bringing the best outcome for our region,” said Cr Adem.  


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