Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 18 June, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council fully supports youth organisation move

Greater Shepparton City Council voted to fully support Word and Mouth (WAM) board and committee by providing executive assistance, extra funding and office space to allow the committee members to focus more on their core business - working with young people.

An independent review and changing circumstances encouraged the WAM Board to consider the best use of the valuable resources the young people provide with both their time, energy and intellectual skills. Council’s support and guidance with governance and financial management will enable a better connection with the young people of the community and allow WAM staff and volunteers to do more of what they do best - events, education and information for young people.

The recommendation voted on by Council at Tuesday’s meeting includes consulting with stakeholders on Terms of Reference (based on the existing WAM vision; ”To provide a voice for young people in Greater Shepparton to lead, engage, create and shape their communities”.

James Oldfield, Chair of the Word & Mouth Board said, “The good faith and constant mutual support between Council and WAM, particularly in the current cost and funding environment has made the need to be separate entities counterproductive. All parties are happy that the longevity of WAM has been secured.”

Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Children’s and Youth Services, Sally Rose said the shift in governance will not result in the loss of purpose of the service and current staff will be accommodated in the transfer of operation from the former Infant Welfare Centre to the Council offices.

“Word and Mouth is considered the ‘go to’ organisation when the opinions of local young people are sought by Council officers, local media and youth service delivery agencies,” said Ms Rose.

“They provide a platform for youth voices to be heard on issues such as government policy, social media and mental health and importantly offer opportunities to develop leadership skills for members.”

To ensure an avenue for young people to contribute to our community is maintained, a Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) will be set up which will operate similarly to the Disability Advisory Committee and the Positive Ageing Advisory Committee. The exact make-up of the committee and its terms of reference will be developed with the current WAM Army – the existing youth committee.

Planning for a number of WAM events is already well underway and will continue ‘business as usual. “Nerdmania” on Saturday 11 July is proving so popular that it may need to move to a bigger venue – so look out for tickets.


Word and Mouth Inc (W&M) is a youth led organisation funded by GSCC and The Fairley Foundation. A Board of six young people (18 to 30 years) and two community members governs the organisation currently. In addition, up to 20 young people make up the Youth Committee (approximately 12 to 25year olds), which is involved in community consultations and the planning and implementation of social events for their peers. The W&M mission is ”To provide a voice for young people in Greater Shepparton to lead, engage, create and shape their communities”.

Word and Mouth Inc began as a Greater Shepparton City Council business unit in 2004. In 2010, a Council resolution supported the organisation’s transfer to independent operation.

Word and Mouth Inc (W&M) has operated under a funding partnership between Greater Shepparton City Council) and The Sir Andrew and Lady Fairley Foundation and since 2010. The current five-year funding agreement - $100,000 per annum GSCC and $50,000 per annum The Foundation - ceases on 30 June 2015.



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