Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 20 February, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council Manager wins state award for excellence

Greater Shepparton City Council’s Manger Neighbourhoods Amanda Tingay is the winner of the LGPro Award for Excellence - Young Achiever Award.

Announced last night in Melbourne, Ms Tingay received the award for her extensive work in fostering an inclusive community. She is passionate about social justice, building individual and community capacity, and believes strongly in communities embracing and accepting diversity.

Ms Tingay has worked on numerous projects within the community and through her work with the Greater Shepparton City Council. Amanda has achieved so much in her working and volunteering life. Some highlights include:

  • Awarded the Avenel Junior Citizen of the Year Award in 2001, for her voluntary commitments to the Avenel community and surrounds.
  • Community Development Facilitator of the ‘Seymour We Want Project’.
  • A participant in the Local Government Professionals Emerging Leaders program for 2009; and was the youngest of the 24 selected participants (at 24 years of age) across the Victorian Local Government sector.
  • Development of Greater Shepparton City Council’s first Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion Strategy
  • Appointed to the position of Manager Neighbourhoods (in 2012) at the age of 28 years. Amanda is the youngest Manager at Greater Shepparton City Council.
  • Council was a finalist in the Wurreker Awards (2011, 2012, 2013) and in 2013 won the best National Communication Award – Government category, for engaging with low literacy and multicultural groups during the Council Plan 2013-2017 engagement process. This is a reflection of Amanda’s work in this area.
  • Development of Council’s first Volunteer Development Strategy
  • Successful development and implementation of Smoke-free Outdoor Dining Trial
  • In 2012 and 2014, Council received a Victorian Multicultural Award for Excellence in the Local Government Category, for Amanda’s leadership, vision and action in promoting a community inclusive of all.

Amanda is currently the Manager of the Neighbourhoods Department at Greater Shepparton City Council, and oversees a team that delivers a range of projects and services, including:

  • Community and Neighbourhoods Planning
  • Community Development
  • Aboriginal Partnerships
  • Cultural Development
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Community Safety
  • Aged services – including Meals on Wheels, Home and Community Care (HACC) programs, Planned Activity Groups, Home Safety, Positive Ageing
  • Recreation Planning and Strategy
  • Access and Inclusion
  • Rural Access
  • Cemeteries

“Amanda is passionate about enabling communities to build capacity. Her work has seen communities build resilience, identify assets (whether they be capital or human), and achieve positive outcomes,” said Gavin Cator, Chief Executive Officer of Greater Shepparton City Council.

“She leads with integrity, vision, direction, and passion. She brings a high level of commitment to all that she does and I believe the Greater Shepparton community and City Council are richer for having her expertise and knowledge.”

(Group picture: GSCC CEO, Gavin Cator; Team Leader Client Services, Jason Watts (also nominated for an award); Manager Neighbourhoods Amanda Tingay; Director Community Kaye Thomson) 


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