The Building a Better Shepparton Road Initiative sees proposed priority intersection upgrades within Shepparton formed into an Ask of Government document, that will assist Council in advocating for State and Federal Government funding.
Council recognises that Shepparton’s continued growth and significant project investment from State and Federal Governments will result in higher traffic volumes, which will lead to impacts on road safety, amenity, congestion, travel time and reduced network resilience.
The proposed intersection upgrades included in the Building a Better Shepparton Road Initiative will result in reduced travel times, less congestion and safer roads in Shepparton.
A central feature of the initiative is the Shepparton CBD Inner East Link road, which will provide a safe and efficient alternative route to Wyndham Street for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists travelling between the south and north east of the Shepparton CBD.
The road will also complement State Government investment into the Greater Shepparton Secondary College and the recent rezoning of the Shepparton North East Precinct.
The Shepparton CBD Inner East Link road follows the railway line along Johnson Street, Hoskin Street, Railway Parade and Hawdon Street, and will include five intersection upgrades. The planning for this road has included extensive traffic modelling, with Council ready to proceed to the detailed design stage.
The Building a Better Shepparton Road Initiative also includes intersection upgrades on the Goulburn Valley Highway at Hawkins Street, Graham Street and Fitzjohn Street to provide safe and efficient access to the future Shepparton Sports and Events Redevelopment, Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence, the recently expanded GV Health, and the new Shepparton Art Museum.
Council will advocate for funding from State and Federal Governments to help implement these intersections.
“Greater Shepparton is growing at a rapid rate, and thanks to the significant investment in our region from State and Federal Government, this looks like it will continue,” Mayor Cr Seema Abdullah said.
“The Building a Better Shepparton Road Initiative will help our region cope with this growth and improve safety, congestion and travel time on the road – which is fantastic for our residents.”