Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 23 June, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council resolves to sell land at Parkside Drive to Women’s Housing Ltd

At the June Council Meeting, Greater Shepparton City Council resolved to note the conclusion of the community consultation process on the sale of Council-owned land at part of 45 Parkside Drive, Shepparton, and resolved to sell part of the land to Women’s Housing Ltd to facilitate affordable housing.

Council received a total of 62 written submissions and heard seven verbal briefing presentations on the proposal to sell part of the land at 45 Parkside Drive, Shepparton.  Council officers considered and reviewed these submissions and verbal briefings, including all material provided by submitters.

In response to these submissions and briefings, Council officers prepared a Conversation Report outlining the consultation process, the common themes identified in submissions received, and Council officers’ responses to each of these themes.

The development, once constructed, will accommodate approximately 45 two and three bedroom units for affordable housing on site. An Economic Benefit Assessment prepared by Ethos Urban Pty Ltd found that the development would result in direct and indirect benefits of $7.8 million to the local economy and 60 construction-related jobs (assuming a 12 month construction phase).

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said Council was aware of the need for appropriate social housing in the region.

“Council agreed that social housing is a community need and was able to identify land suitable for future development,” he said.

“Women are over-represented in the homelessness statistics and it is important that Council facilitates opportunities to provide for all members of our community.”

Following the Council decision, Women’s Housing Ltd will be seeking project funding and will commence the planning process through the Victorian Government before commencing any development. This planning process will be the subject of further community consultation and will be overseen by the Victorian Government.

Further information on the sale of land can be found online on Council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website.


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