Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 21 April, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council Signals Intent for Shepparton East Drainage Scheme to go ahead

Greater Shepparton Councillors voted at the Council Meeting to give notice of its intention to declare a special charge in relation to Shepparton East Drainage Scheme.

The Shepparton East Drainage Special Charge Scheme aims to provide better drainage for commercial, industrial and residential properties in the catchment east of Doyles Rd, north and south of Benalla Rd. The project will provide new underground drainage, enlarge Council’s existing retardation basin and improve water quality treatment in the basin. A new pump station to discharge water to an adjacent Goulburn Murray Water drain will be installed.

The total estimated cost for the works is $3.7 million; However, Council has contributed $707,585 towards the project for works already completed and will contribute a further $732,020. VIC Roads will contribute $750,000 with another $20,000 from Goulburn Murray Water reducing the contribution required from property owners to $1.56 million (All figures are excluding GST)

It is intended that the Special Charge Scheme will be levied on the estimated amount of $1.56 million shared among a number of land owners payable as either a lump sum or via quarterly instalments over 10 years. Payments for the scheme will be based on the relative drainage benefits each property receives from the upgrades. This is based on a number of factors including the size of the property, its development potential and the amount of drainage required.

For a residential property size of 5985 square metres the average estimated cost would be $1,119 over ten years, which is an estimated average of $111 per year for residential property owners to pay. “The prices are based on the size of the property, so the price could be more or less depending on your property” said Cr Patterson.

Mayor Dennis Patterson said “This area’s drains were largely designed to cope with rural farm drainage and this is clearly inadequate for the commercial, industrial and residential developments taking place in Shepparton East. We want to bring this area’s drainage up to modern standards.”

“This project will also, create a healthier environment and reduce risks associated with poor drainage,” said Cr Patterson.

“Council will work with all stakeholders in the area to ensure the special charge for the works is understood by all parties. The proposed scheme gives land owners a time frame of 10 years to pay the special charge; this is usually only four years by legislative requirements but we would like to give land owners 10 years to pay for the scheme.

The scheme also frees land for development of businesses in the commercial and industrial zones. In the absence of this scheme, if some businesses were to extend or otherwise develop their land, they would be required to put in their own retardation basins. Through this scheme Council can help business owners to develop their land to its full potential,” said Cr Patterson.

Council will schedule information sessions for landowners and a Frequently Asked Questions document is available to the community.

A Committee of the whole of Council will be appointed to consider submissions and hear any person who wishes to be heard in support of their written submission.

For more information visit:


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