Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 2 June, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council supports Consumer Affairs Victoria scams campaign

"If in doubt, don’t" - That’s the message Consumer Affairs Victoria, the state’s fair trading regulator, is giving older Victorians when it comes to staying safe online.

Many older Victorians are attractive targets for scammers because they often own substantial assets and have access to life savings and superannuation.

Older Victorians are also the fastest growing online user group in the country. Many go online to keep in touch with children, family and friends, to correspond via email, watch YouTube videos or catch-up TV, or to research and book travel, to name a few.

Life events such as financial hardship and recovering from illness, loss and trauma can also leave you more vulnerable to scams.

Consumer Affairs Victoria is working to reduce the harm caused by scammers by building greater awareness and understanding of online scams among older Victorians.

Scammers are professional criminals. Anyone can fall for a scam because scammers are getting smarter and using more sophisticated tricks to dupe thousands of older Victorians every year.

Here are some tips for staying safe online:

  • Do not open suspicious text messages, pop-up windows, or emails.
  • Be wary of any emails or requests on social media from people you do not know.
  • Avoid sending money, personal or financial details to someone you have never met in person, especially if you are online dating.

And remember; if in doubt, don’t.

Think you’re a scam savvy senior? Take the quiz and find out at

For more information on common types of scams, tips on how to identify, avoid or report them, visit


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