Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 21 September, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council to seek feedback on the Draft Shepparton Inner North Local Area Traffic Management Plan

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking feedback from residents in Shepparton’s inner north on proposed improvements to traffic management and road safety within the area.

Council has prepared a Draft Shepparton Inner North Local Area Traffic Management Plan (Draft Shepparton Inner North LATM), which is a follow up study to the Greater Shepparton Secondary College Local Area Traffic Management Plan (GSSC LATM) that was implemented by Council in late 2021. The GSSC LATM resulted in the introduction of line marking, changes to parking, and prohibiting certain right-hand turn movements along Hawdon Street during pick-up and drop-off times outside the Greater Shepparton Secondary College (GSSC).

Council undertook a follow-up review to ensure that the recommendations implemented by the GSSC LATM were functioning as intended and to better understand the traffic impacts that the GSSC was having on the broader road network. Council sought feedback on the GSSC LATM from 30 January to 8 April 2022, which attracted 133 submissions.

Following initial feedback received from early submissions and observations, Council implemented initial changes to the parking regime adjacent to the GSSC in March 2022. This saw a total of 63 car parking spaces on Feshti, Hawdon and Rea Streets converted from all-day spaces to timed 15 minute spaces between 8am – 9:30am and 2:30pm – 4pm on school days. These changes ensured that there were sufficient spaces for parents undertaking pick-up and drop-off whilst helping to reduce instances of all-day parking occurring immediately adjacent to the school.

The Draft Shepparton North Inner LATM seeks to further review traffic, parking and pedestrian management around the GSSC to identify and address any issues considered not to be resolved following the implementation of the GSSC LATM, and better understand the impact that the GSSC is having on the broader road network, including interaction with neighbouring schools and businesses.

The Draft Shepparton Inner North LATM provides recommendations to improve pedestrian and cycling connectivity and safety within the area. The document also addresses the traffic, parking and pedestrian concerns identified in submissions to the review of the GSSC LATM held earlier this year. The draft recommendations include:

  • Intersection improvements such as continuous footpath treatments and splitter islands to improve pedestrian connectivity and safety
  • Speed control devices to improve road safety
  • Compact roundabouts or similar treatment at certain intersections on Rea Street
  • Minor traffic and parking changes around the GSSC


“Council is supportive of any measure which promotes active travel. The draft recommendations will make it safer for parents, students and residents to travel to and from school or work by walking or cycling,” Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said.

“The draft recommendations have been informed by community feedback which expressed a need for safer and better pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in the area, and for improved traffic management and road safety. We’re keen to hear what the community has to say.”

Council is now seeking feedback from residents and commuters, and students and parents of the schools within the study area to provide first-hand feedback on any transport issues that concern them, and to provide feedback on the traffic and pedestrian treatment recommendations included in the Draft Shepparton Inner North LATM. Council will be collecting feedback from Monday 26 September 2022 to Monday 24 October 2022. Feedback can be left on Council Shaping Greater Shepp website at Shaping Greater Shepparton

The feedback received will be used to inform any further changes to traffic management, parking restrictions, and pedestrian and cycling routes that will be considered when preparing a final Shepparton Inner North LATM report. Key recommendations from the final Shepparton Inner North LATM will begin to be implemented later this year.


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