Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 10 May, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Council's Volunteer Recognition Award Winners Announced

Winners of the 2017 Greater Shepparton Volunteer Awards were announced at tonight's ceremony at RiverLinks Eastbank.

The winners were;

Female winner: Diane Cook - Shepparton South Community House

Male winner: Justin Maskell - State Emergency Service Tatura 

Female Youth winner: Nimi Jumapili - Word & Mouth 

Male Youth winner: Hugo Ingham - Disability Support Services

Rural winner: Frank Fitzgerald - Murchison Neighbourhood House 

Team winners: GV Hospice Care volunteers

Long Serving winner: Jane Tremellen - Joey Scout Leader and FamilyCare

“On behalf of Council, I would like to congratulate all winners and nominees. Every volunteer is incredibly valuable to their community. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication,” said Greater Shepparton Mayor Dinny Adem as he congratulated all winners and nominees.

Winner Profiles:


Male Volunteer Winner - Justin Maskell

Justin spends the majority of his time working with State Emergency Service Tatura and kids and families with cancer while holding a full time job. SES can be extremely time consuming. If someone needs assistance day or night, Justin will attend the emergency. He uses his annual leave to supervise Camp Quality Camps. Justin’s good nature and sense of humour has helped many through difficult times. He gets out of bed when called to help where needed. His spare time is happily given to all who need it.


Female Volunteer Winner - Diane Cook

Diane is a very loyal and reliable volunteer. Diane identified a need in the community and set up programs – Arts & Crafts & Link to Us at the Shepparton South Community House. She makes a world of difference to all of the participants in her groups and to the Shepparton South Community Centre. She listens patiently to everyone, never judges anybody and assists people she meets to feel good about themselves. She helps community to gain confidence and encourages them to participate in more activities and become more outgoing and confident in themselves.


Female Youth Volunteer Winner - Nimi Jumapili

Nimi is a vibrant young woman who is always positive and a great team player. Nimi doesn’t only volunteer with Word & Mouth but also with various other groups locally such as a faith based youth group and performing for numerous occasions for church and school. She uses her initiative and directs younger members effectively and politely. Nimi is showing signs very early of a great community minded young woman that is passionate about, not only where she lives, but also about how she contributes in order to make things better around her.


Male Youth Volunteer Winner - Hugo Ingham

Hugo is a volunteer with the Disability Support Services Into Rec program. Hugo volunteers for the After School Program and the School Holiday Program. Hugo assists the clients to participate in a range of activities. He also volunteers at the Special Children’s Christmas Party. He is a reliable, trusted and valued member of the team who has a gentle and genuine nature when working with children with disabilities. Whilst volunteering at FamilyCare, he combines his volunteer work with year 10 and many sporting commitments.


Rural Volunteer Winner - Frank Fitzgerald

Frank is a valued member of the Murchison Neighbourhood House volunteer team. His contribution on a daily basis to assist other volunteers in their roles means that the team can operate to its best capacity. Frank’s actions capture the essence of a good neighbour and friend. Frank is available every day, even if feeling under the weather; he is ready and willing to help. His kindness and generosity is often self-initiated and in response to a need that he sees.


Volunteer Team Winner - GV Hospice Care Volunteers

Volunteers have been an integral part of GV Hospice Care since it’s establishment in 1989. They perform a variety of roles and offer a broad range of skills to ensure our community has access to excellent specialist care. From leadership and governance, fundraising efforts of various groups to in home support for patients and their carers; the diverse team gives hours of time, working together to make a difference in the community and to individual lives. Their dedication, commitment and passion are highly commendable.


Long Serving Volunteer Winner - Jane Tremellen

Jane loves her role as a Joey Scout Leader, which she has been doing for the past 25 years. She tries to encourage all children with varying degrees of abilities to participate in her Joey Mob. Jane has also been a great support in the disability area as a volunteer with FamilyCare. She has seen many children come through Joey Scouts, and has been open to having children of many abilities to come and have fun and learn in a safe place. She has taught them many skills and helps integrate people with disabilities back in to the community.

CLICK HERE for information on volunteer opportunities within Council.


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