Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 28 January, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

International Dairy Week success for region

The 2014 International Dairy Week has again been very successful with thousands of people flocking to the five day event held at Tatura Park.

IDW has been an important part of the dairy industry for 24 years and is held within one of the most concentrated dairy regions in Australia.

The annual event showcases the best of the dairy industry and new initiatives and technology. It is the largest dairy cattle sale and show in the southern hemisphere and provides an opportunity for people of all ages, particularly young people, to learn about their industry.

They can participate in the preparation and showing of dairy breeds, attend workshops and seminars and a dairy focussed field day all in one convenient central Victorian location.

"People from all over Australia and from overseas come to our region and stay for a week and spend money here. It's great for our local economy," said Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Jenny Houlihan.  "The event brings more than 4,000 people to the region each year and the benefit for accommodation, hospitality and tourism facilities is tremendous," said Cr Houlihan.

Greater Shepparton Tourism reported activity was high during a traditionally quieter period for tourism over the school holiday period. "Accommodation providers have given excellent feedback on the event with full occupancy boosted by delegates attending the event," said Cr Houlihan.

"One accommodation provider reported a massive impact in terms of international visitors with 5-6 day stays for international visitors and media with future bookings already secured," said Cr Houlihan. "Two other motels reported 100% occupancy during the week with restaurants and bars in full use. Events where guests stay for extended periods is excellent for business operators and local retailers."

"Council has worked alongside the organisers of International Dairy Week to develop the facilities at Tatura Park to meet the growth and popularity of the event," said Councillor Houlihan.

"The trade show was a new addition in 2013 with 80 exhibitors growing in excess of 100 in 2014. Council will continue to assist in the development and growth of International Dairy Week in the future and looks forward to a long and prosperous relationship with the organisers and the dairy community," said Councillor Houlihan.


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