Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 7 September, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Deadline looming for Inquiry into the Proposed Lease of the Port of Melbourne

Time is running out for locals to provide their input to the inquiry into the proposed lease of the Port of Melbourne, with submissions closing this Friday September 11.

Elements of the proposed 70 year deal have raised concerns across many sectors, and while Greater Shepparton City Council does support the leasing of this state asset, highlights the following;

  • $7B proposed sale price – as opposed to funding removal of 50 level crossings in metropolitan areas, GSCC asserts at least $2B should be allocated to regional and rural Victoria to assist with efficient freight movement.
  • GSCC does not support the clause that compensation is payable if additional terminal constructed within lease term (50 years with 20 year extension option) as this effectively creates a monopoly and drives up pricing.
  • GSCC is concerned that higher rents will come back on rural and regional Victorian farmers who already struggle to compete globally. The conditions of this proposal work against government policy which is encouraging production and export of food and fibre.

GSCC Mayor Cr Dennis Patterson wrote to Member for Northern Victoria The Hon Wendy Lovell MP earlier this year outlining Councils concerns of the proposal (download the letter below).

Local stakeholders are urged to give their feedback before close of business this Friday. Click  HERE for website details.

Views sought on Port of Melbourne lease: via

A Victorian parliamentary committee is seeking input for an inquiry into the proposed lease of the Port of Melbourne.

The proposed lease is envisaged in the Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill 2015, which is currently before the Parliament.

The Port of Melbourne is Australia’s largest general and container port. It handles almost 7,000 containers per day, and in 2013-14 paid a dividend of $43.7 million to the Victorian Government.

Chair of the Victorian Parliament’s Port of Melbourne Select Committee, Gordon Rich-Phillips said the inquiry is an important opportunity for the public to have input into the proposed lease of this important State asset.

“The Committee is particularly interested in hearing from the public about how the proposed lease would impact them, if it proceeds in its current form,” he said.

The Committee has called for written submissions. Details about how to make a submission or contribute at a public hearing can be found HERE on the Committee’s website.

Submissions close on Friday 11 September 2015.


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