Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 3 May, 2018. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Defibrillator packages available for non-profit groups

The Minister for Sport, the Hon John Eren MP, has extended the Defibrillators for Victorian Sporting Clubs and Facilities Program to provide an additional opportunity for not for profit community sport and active recreation organisations to apply for a defibrillator package.

Non-government, not-for-profit Victorian community organisations and venues, delivering sport and active recreation programs anywhere in Victoria, are invited to consider applying to the program. 

The following groups are not eligible to receive an allocation under round five: 

  • school sport and recreation clubs if participants are current students 
  • university sport clubs that participate in inter-varsity competitions 
  • organisations applying to install or locate the defibrillator in sports facilities or other venues that are not in Victoria 
  • organisations and facilities that have previously received a defibrillator package under this program.

Successful applicants will be allocated a defibrillator package. No direct grants or funding assistance is available under this program. The package includes a Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator, some basic training and six years of essential defibrillator maintenance. 

Please note that by applying for a defibrillator package the applicant organisation, if successful, is agreeing to: 

  • register the defibrillator with Ambulance Victoria 
  • nominate a minimum of five persons who will agree to participate in the training delivered as part of this program 
  • implement a medical emergency plan that is consistent with the current Sports Medicine Australia guidelines.

The Sport and Recreation Victoria grants page provides more information and links to the program guidelines, eligibility criteria and the online application process. 

Applications close on Wednesday, 20 June 2018 


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