Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 13 May, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Draft Budget feedback closing Friday 21 May

Feedback on the Greater Shepparton City Council Draft Budget 2021/2022 is due by 5pm Friday 21 May.

The draft budget on Council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website is available for community members wanting to provide comment on the draft budget are encouraged to have their say before the budget will be considered for adoption at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 15 June.

The 2021/2022 budget will be a year of growth and recovery with a zero per cent increase on rates, below the Government’s Fair Go Rates System rate cap, further assisting COVID-19 recovery efforts. A significant influence on the budget allocation for the next financial year is Council adopting a 2030 Zero Carbon Emission target.

The Capital Works program of $71.56 million will play an important role in COVID-19 economic recovery, highlights include:

  • Maude Street Mall Redevelopment
  • Watt Road Bridge Renewal
  • Cosgrove 3 Landfill cell 2 construction
  • Knight & Hawdon Street Upgrade

You can have your say on the Draft Budget in a number of ways:

You can also ask questions online or make an appointment with the Manager Finance and Rates by contacting Council.

Feedback will be received until 5pm Friday 21 May. To obtain a copy of the draft budget,


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