Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 28 September, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

End to End Medical School to be considered

Greater Shepparton City Council acknowledges the importance of a strong university presence in Rural and Regional Victoria and is particularly supportive of the existing university facilities and courses offered within the Greater Shepparton area.

The University of Melbourne has several locations including the Dookie campus, School of Rural Health and the Academy of Sport, Health and Education (ASHE).  LaTrobe University have facilities in the CBD of Shepparton and have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Greater Shepparton City Council with the aim to increase tertiary education outcomes in the Goulburn Valley.

Tertiary education in rural areas provides a light for young and mature age students alike to aspire to new learnings and skills.  Regional and rural campuses allow for greater access to those who cannot afford the costs of travel and accommodation at metropolitan locations.

The push for a new medical school in Shepparton is therefore one which Council is very interested in learning more about and would welcome discussions about how such a facility would further complement the current educational offering in our area, and bring additional benefits to the region through direct expenditure and secondary impacts producing jobs and growth, as well as supporting the provision of skills to the medical profession, particularly as GV Health commences a major redevelopment, expanding floor space, increasing its  services and employment numbers.

Council has raised this concept with the Federal Member for Murray, Damian Drum and has had discussions with representatives from LaTrobe University and the University of Melbourne.  Council looks forward to a full assessment of this proposal being considered in the near future and encourages the Federal Government to consider this proposal in consultation with all interested parties.

Council’s Economic Development, Tourism and Major Events Strategy adopted earlier this year supports the expansion of tertiary education facilities and course availability in Greater Shepparton.   


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