Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 22 November, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Expressions of interest sought for hosting Creative City networking sessions

Greater Shepparton City Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from a range of local creatives, creative groups, organisations and businesses, to produce and host a series of 10 Creative City Networking Sessions in 2023.

The Creative City Networking Sessions will be held monthly from February to November 2023, in various spaces around Greater Shepparton including our outlying townships. The sessions will provide opportunities for local creatives to connect with and learn about other creative individuals, groups, businesses, organisations and spaces, to explore new ideas and collaborations, to share and develop practice, and build sustainability.

In 2022, Council ran a successful pilot program of four Creative City Networking Sessions, programmed and produced in partnership with local creatives. The sessions were held in Shepparton, Mooroopna and Tatura and spanned a diverse range of topics including First Nations arts and culture, music, festivals and events, visual arts and design and included a mix of listening and learning, talks, discussions, performances, hands on activities, and networking.

Council’s Creative City Coordinator Anita Larkin says, “Shepparton is really emerging as a creative hot-spot and it’s exciting to see such a groundswell of creativity in our region in recent years.

“Through its Creative City Strategy, Council is committed to supporting local talent and these sessions are collaboratively designed to energise, nurture and connect our local creative community, through investment in local ideas, knowledge, stories and practice.”

If you have an idea for a Creative City Networking Session and would like to host one in 2023, please read the guidelines and submit your Expression of Interest on the Council website and submit the form by Monday 12 December 2022 at 5pm.

The Creative City Networking Sessions are an outcome of Greater Shepparton City Council’s Creative City Strategy.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your idea, please contact the Creative City Coordinator or phone 5832 9700.


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