Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 10 May, 2017. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Federal budget delivers for Greater Shepparton region

For the second time in a week Greater Shepparton has been the recipient of significant government funding with the 2017/18 Federal Budget seeing connectivity of the region as a priority.

The inadequate passenger rail service between Shepparton and Melbourne is now on the Federal Government’s agenda with the commissioning of a Shepparton line passenger and freight upgrade planning study.

The scope of the project is yet to be released; however the investment is welcomed along with the recent $43.5 million worth of improvements committed by the Victorian Government.

Mayor Dinny Adem states that Greater Shepparton City Council is very appreciative that the Coalition has committed funds working towards improving connectivity for our region.

“The Coalition announcement coupled with Victorian Government commitment of $43.5 million worth of improvements, are definitely a step in the right direction in improving our passenger rail services” contends Mayor Adem. “Council, along with our partners and community have relentlessly advocated for improved travel times, reliability and frequency of services between Shepparton and Melbourne and it appears that our message is being heard.”

Freight rail has also been a priority for Council, particularly in advocating for the inclusion of the Foodbowl route as part of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail project.

“Council applauds the Federal Government in pursuing the much needed Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail Route including an allocation of $8.4 billion to deliver on the project. However, the Foodbowl Inland Rail Alliance which Council is a member of, will continue to seek confirmation on whether the Government has committed to adopting the optimum route through the Foodbowl to capitalise on the most productive areas, or has chosen to adopt the less expensive route capturing far less volume”, explains the Mayor. “It will be interesting to see if the Foodbowl option will form part of the freight upgrade planning study the Federal Government is intending to undertake.”

A major bonus in the 2017/18 Federal Budget is the restoration of the indexation of Financial Assistance Grants which provides much-needed funding to Victorian councils.

“Since the freeze on indexation of the grants in 2014, Council has missed out on approximately $300,000 per annum to assist with maintenance of local roads and delivery of critical services” explains the Mayor. “In the era of rate capping the reintroduction of the grant is welcomed and appreciated”.

In further good news for local government, the Roads to Recovery program had been extended for a further two years. Roads to Recovery provides much-needed funding to assist councils in maintaining local road networks to achieve better safety, economic and social outcomes for communities.


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