Due to the restrictions of COVID-19 the Furphy Literary Awards extended the competition period to allow students to adjust to the changing learning environment. Submissions will close this Sunday 31 May. The Furphy Literary Awards and partners would like to applaud the students who have and are continuing to study and learn remotely at home.
Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Councillor Seema Abdullah encouraged young writers across the Goulburn Valley to submit a story.
“These awards are another way we can share the stories from the youth in our community and help nurture and encourage upcoming writers,” Cr Abdullah said.
“There are some incredible stories out there and if you haven’t already I encourage you to submit your story to the Furphy Literary Awards.”
Furphy Foundation Director Sam Furphy said the Furphy Literary Awards highlight the strength of local writers of all ages.
“The awards were founded on the belief that everyone can write at least one good story which includes the youth in our community,” Mr Furphy said.
“This is a great opportunity for students across the Goulburn Valley to express their voices through literature and we encourage you to make a submission.”
The Furphy Literary Awards are open to students across the Goulburn Valley. There are three categories, Junior Short Story for writers 12 and under, Youth Short Story for writers aged 13-18 years and Youth Poetry for writers aged 13-18 years.
Each category has a first place prize of $300, second prize $100 and third $50.
Entries close Sunday 31 May 2020 at 5pm. For more information, please visit www.furphyliteraryaward.com.au