Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 19 May, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Flood Safe Week 2014

This week is FloodSafe Week and the message is simple. "Never enter don't know what you're getting in to."

Driving through floodwater is the biggest killer of adults in Australian floods. Floodwater can wash out roads to create slips and sinkholes, so even seemingly shallow water across a familiar road can pose danger. Floodwater as shallow as the bottom of your car door can sweep away your vehicle, and by then you've already lost control. Don't ever risk driving through floodwater.

It isn't just drowning that can kill, floodwater is disgusting and dirty. Before it gets to you, it picks up everything in its path, including dead and decaying animals, chemicals and toxins, sharp and dangerous items such as rusted metal and barbed wire, broken glass and timber and garbage.

Avoid these risks by never entering floodwater: It's that easy.

Victoria SES' Chief Executive Officer Stephen Griffin said this year's focus is on shining a light into the murky contents of floodwater.

"We encourage everyone to use FloodSafe Week as an opportunity to meet their local SES volunteers and learn how they can be prepared for the threat of flood. A little preparation goes a long way and we all need to take responsibility for our safety and learn the local flood risks."

For more information please visit the SES website. or you can download the FloodSafe information flyer below.

To see for yourself what disgusting and dirty things are lurking in floodwater, take a look at the video clip below.



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