Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 16 October, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Football Skools to take over Greater Shepparton

Greater Shepparton is again hosting the 2015 Australian Football Skools international championships, which will be the city’s second major event after the BMX Victoria pre titles event and first blockbuster sell out weekend of Council’s 51 days of major sporting events campaign happening across October to December.

The event, to be held at the Shepparton Sports Precinct in October, will see more than 100 teams and 1200 players aged from 5 to 18 from around Australia and overseas play on 10 football pitches taking part across three action packed days.

Greater Shepparton Mayor Cr Dennis Patterson said the Australian Football Skools event was now becoming one of the region’s biggest in terms of visitation numbers, now in its second year of a three year agreement in Shepparton.

“This year’s event will see record team entries and a boom for local tourism with accommodation already sold out within the city, with teams now having to book up to an hour away,” Cr Patterson said.

“Events like these help build Shepparton’s profile as a key major sporting events destination in regional Australia. 

“Hosting events like this also support Council’s plan to build quality facilities for our community while also attracting visitors to stimulate our local economy.”

“This event is part of Council’s 51 days of major sporting events campaign which will see 12 key state, national and international sporting events grace our city, bringing more than 20,000 visitors and generating over 30,000 bed nights to the region, including six sell out blockbuster weekends.

“Council strive to attract the biggest and best events to Shepparton boosting employment, entertainment and liveability for our community.”

 The Australian Football Skools tournament will be held on Friday 23 to Sunday 25 October at the Shepparton Sports Precinct.

For more information visit


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