Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 18 July, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Funding announcement for shop front business program

Greater Shepparton City Council was pleased to receive funding from the Minister for Small Business, the Hon. Russell Northe today under the Victorian government’s Streetlife program.

The funding is earmarked for a “Get your Business Booming” program aimed at supporting the shop front businesses in our central business district.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Jenny Houlihan, said the project aims to assist CBD businesses attract and retain customers and provides a focus on increased sales and increased profit margins which are vital for sustainable long-term business growth.

“By implementing new and innovative techniques and approaches we can assist the retail sector offer exceptional experiences for their customers which in turn will lead to an increased customer base and sales,” said Cr Houlihan.

“The project will allow the retail sector to access customised workshops and one on one consultation. Council will work with our CBD businesses to bring about a revitalised presence for their shopfronts, a business branding plan, increased sales and therefore a more sustainable business focused on long term growth.”

“We are pleased to have the support of the Shepparton Chamber of Commerce, the Committee for Greater Shepparton and Shepparton Show Me in the Get Your Business Booming project,” said Cr Houlihan.

Mayor Jenny Houlihan thanked the Hon Russell Northe and the State Government for the amount of $19,000 alongside the Council’s contribution of $4,000.


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