Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 11 April, 2023. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Get batty these school holidays with free Bats in Our Neighbourhoods night

Did you know that grey-headed flying foxes can track nectar pulses to find food more than 70 kilometres away?

You can find out more interesting facts like this at the Bats in our Neighbourhoods event on Friday 14 April 2023 at Cussen Park in Tatura. Proudly brought to you by RiverConnect, Greater Shepparton City Council and the Cussen Park Advisory Committee, the event is part of the Activities in the Park program.

This free, interactive bat night is one for the entire community to learn how bats catch their prey, the variety of sizes and species, and how they are similar to humans. Watch the Flying Foxes fly out at dusk and learn more about these fascinating flying mammals and the important role they play in our ecosystems. Using specialised traps, our experts will also safely catch some micro-bats for people to see up close.

RiverConnect Project Officer, Alison White, said Council and RiverConnect was glad to see the annual Tatura bat night back again.

“The event is an interactive experience for the whole family with expert guest presenters coming along to share their knowledge,” she said.

“A highlight of the event would have to be watching the Flying Foxes fly out or getting an up close look at some of our local microbats. We have a huge variety of animals in our region and by learning about them, we can learn how best to protect them.”

Ms White encouraged community members to come along and be fascinated by the small creatures.

“Cussen Park is home to a great colony of grey-headed Flying Foxes and it is important we respect their roosts and preserve the native habitats for these pollinators to remain in our region for years to come,” she said.

“This is a great opportunity for children to get up close with the bats, ask our local experts all sorts of questions and share the answers with their family and friends.”

All activities commence at the rotunda at the Ross Street Cussen Park entrance. Please register for catering purposes. If you have any questions please contact RiverConnect on or 5832 9700.


Bats in Our Neighbourhoods presented by RiverConnect and Greater Shepparton City Council

Date: Friday 14 April, 2023

Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: Cussen Park, Tatura.

Everyone is welcome to enjoy a light BBQ dinner (vegetarian available) please register for catering purposes.

Registrar here:


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