Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 11 September, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Get Ready for StormSafe Week: Do you know what to do?

This year during StormSafe Week (14 – 20 September), Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) is urging Victorians to get ready and make sure they know what to do to protect their property, possessions, livelihood and their lives during a storm.

Storms in Victoria can be dangerous and unpredictable and are Australia’s most common emergency.

In the past year, VICSES responded to almost 18,000 calls from Victorians who have suffered damage due to storms. Much of the damage was the result of leaking roofs, fallen tree limbs or loose items such as roof tiles and garden furniture becoming flying projectiles. This damage is preventable.

A recent study conducted by VICSES found that 80% of Victorians believe they could be impacted by a storm in the near future however only 44% believe they are adequately prepared. That is why this year, VICSES is asking: Do you know what to do?

Sue Sheldrick, VICSES Community Resilience Co Ordinator for the North East region said the focus for StormSafe Week is to encourage everyone to be ready before a storm hits.

“A few simple actions can make a big difference. Once you start thinking about what effect a storm can have on your day-to day life, damage to your house or your car for example, it’s a lot easier to do something about it.”

“One of the key responsibilities of VICSES is to increase awareness about the potential impacts of storms as well as provide simple and useful tips on how everyone can take responsibility for their own safety.”

Throughout StormSafe Week 2015, SES volunteers across the state will hold a range of events to discuss emergency preparedness with their local community.

StormSafe Week’s key event in the NE region for this year:

The SES Storm Disaster Room, an amazing picture gallery of storms that have happened in or around North East Victoria, and information about common storm questions and answers and a storm quiz competition where prize winners can take home an cool wind up torch radio. This display will be open daily at the Riverside Plaza Shopping Centre, Goulburn Valley Highway, Shepparton from 14-20 September inclusive.

For more information about how to get ready for storms during StormSafe Week visit or

How to…..Get Ready!

Do you know what to do to protect your life when storms happen?

  • Stay indoors and away from windows
  • Keep clear of fallen trees and power lines
  • Never drive through floodwater

Do you know what to do to protect your property before storms happen?

  • Regularly remove leaves from gutters
  • Safely remove tree branches overhanging your property
  • Check downpipes and drains are not blocked

Do you know what to do to protect your possessions from storm damage?

  • Secure outdoor furniture including trampolines
  • Clean up around your property – loose items can become flying projectiles in high wind
  • Ensure you have surge protectors on electrical equipment

 Do you know what to do to protect your livelihood?

  • Park your car undercover and away from trees
  • Make copies of important documents and back up your computer memory regularly
  • Check your insurance covers flood and storm damage


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