Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 4 June, 2020. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Goulburn Valley Health to deliver Regional Assessment Service (RAS)

Greater Shepparton City Council will cease delivering the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) on behalf of the Commonwealth and State Governments as of 30 June 2020.

Goulburn Valley Health (GV Health) will commence delivering the service from 1 July 2020.

The RAS receives referrals through My Aged Care and undertakes face-to-face assessments of individuals wishing to access support to remain living at home.

The RAS is for people 65 years and over, or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The Department of Health and Human Services recently undertook an Expression of Interest process to source the new provider, with GV Health successful in its application. 

GV Health currently deliver the Aged Care Assessment Service, which provides assessment, information, advice and assistance to frail older people aged 65 and over or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 and over, who want to remain at home or who are considering living in an aged care home.

“Council is pleased to see GV Health take on the role of delivering the Regional Assessment Service,” Council Director Community Kaye Thomson said.

“Council sees this a great outcome for the community, with the experienced team at GV Health ready to continue to deliver the high quality standard that residents have become accustomed to.

“Council and GV Health have a positive working relationship which will allow for a smooth transition between providers of the service,” Ms Thomson said.

“GV Health is pleased to be able to provide the Regional Assessment Service and looks forward to leveraging off of the existing expertise of the Aged Care Assessment Service to provide this,” GV Health Executive Director Community Care and Mental Health, Joshua Freeman said.

“GV Health is committed to providing exemplary services and is excited about adding this service to its present range of assessment-related services.

GV Health is thankful for Council’s support to transition this service so that a smooth transition occurs,” Mr Freeman added.

To determine your eligibility for a Regional Assessment Service, you will need to contact the My Aged Care Contact Centre on 1800 200 422. 


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