Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 21 April, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton 2021/22 Draft Budget opens for community feedback

Greater Shepparton City Council released the 2021/22 Draft Budget for community exhibition and feedback at its April Ordinary Council meeting last night.

The draft budget will be available on Council’s website from 23 April until 21 May 2021, community members have the opportunity to provide their submissions on the 2021/22 Draft Budget during this period.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Cr Kim O’Keeffe said “This is a great opportunity for our community members to have their say on how the budget should be allocated. Council has consistently received valuable feedback from our community regarding budget allocations and know that this year will be no exception. Council has actioned this feedback in supporting such projects as installing lighting at Victoria Park Lake, and projects delivered by Shepparton Search and Rescue, Shepparton Food Share, and Shepparton Family and Financial Services. We truly value what our community has to say and I encourage everyone to take this time to provide a submission.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic had an immense impact on our community and economy over the past 18 months, and it’s anticipated that 2021/22 will be a year of recovery and growth. Council is focused on the economic recovery of our region including providing opportunities for our local businesses. Having restrictions eased, COVID-19 vaccine roll out and the ability to run our full calendar of events at capacity will assist in attracting visitors back into the area region.”

“The capital works program of $71.56 million will play an important role in economic recovery, via purchasing of materials and equipment and provision of contract and employment opportunities.”

“For 2021/22 Council is proposing a 0% increase on rates, below the Government’s Fair Go Rates System rate cap of 1.5%, with the municipal charge remaining the same at $195. Waste charges will increase by 1.25% on average absorbing significant increases in the State Government’s landfill levy. This demonstrates Council’s commitment to assisting with COVID-19 recovery efforts.”

Additional services and initiatives detailed in the draft budget include the Maude Street Mall Redevelopment, Our Sporting Future funding program and delivery on the inaugural Creative City Strategy. The Draft Budget also ensures the ongoing delivery of essential services as well as the resumption of important community assets and programs such as Aquamoves, Active Living, SAM, Riverlinks, KidsTown and the Shepparton Sports Stadium.

A significant influence on the budget allocation for the next financial year is Council adopting a 2030 Zero Carbon Emission target. A commitment that will benefit the health of the climate and the Greater Shepparton region. “If we do not do something now, our region could be at risk of being left behind with climate affecting our liveability and ability to attract investment, said Cr O’Keeffe.”

Initiatives that Council has identified to work towards the 2030 zero emissions target include:

  • Reducing our urban heat map, by planting of 1,500 advanced trees per year, protection of current tree population, increasing canopy cover;
  • Investigating purchases of battery operated small plant and electric fleet vehicles;
  • Rollout of energy monitoring equipment on council buildings, continued installation of solar panels.

Any questions on the draft budget can be asked online via our website or send an email to

Submissions will be received until 5pm Friday 21 May. All submissions must include contact details of the submitter to allow Council to respond. All submissions received will be considered by Council at a Special Council meeting planned to be held on Tuesday 1 June 2021.

To obtain a copy of the draft budget, visit


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