Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Monday, 17 August, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton Sporting Chance grants open

Greater Shepparton City Council together with FamilyCare is offering residents the chance to become more involved in sport through the Sporting Chance scholarships program.

The program assists residents to actively participate in sport and recreation, regardless of their means, through access to small grants to the value of $250 per applicant.

Two categories are available.

  1. Children and young people between the ages of five and 18 or who are still full time at primary or secondary school
  2. Adults over 18 who are no longer at secondary school. For adults, an element of volunteering is required to be eligible for the scholarship.

Council’s Director Community Kaye Thomson said the program gave residents the opportunity to become active in sporting clubs and the community.

“As we know, participating in sport and recreation can be quite expensive particularly the sports fees. This program helps to alleviate that cost. Those seeking sports equipment are encouraged to borrow equipment from the Sports Equipment Library located at the Shepparton Sports Stadium,” Ms Thomson said.

Residents may apply for scholarships up to the value of $250 per applicant. The funding can be provided for club membership and/or, participation fees. FamilyCare will manage the allocation of the funding designated to clubs, business or organisations.

“This is a fantastic program and Council appreciates the commitment and time FamilyCare dedicate to ensure the smooth running of the program. Without their partnership, this program would not be as successful.”

To be eligible applicants must be:

  • Residents of Greater Shepparton, although their sporting activity may be outside the municipality
  • In possession of a valid Health Care Card or Pension Card
  • Clubs, businesses and groups are not eligible to apply.

Applications close 11 September, 2015. Applications can be submitted at any time and will be assessed after the closing dates. The applications will be assessed by an independent panel.

For more information visit


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