Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 13 July, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton's youth survey for a "Bright Future"

The Greater Shepparton City Council and VicHealth want to hear from young people living in the Greater Shepparton area to help establish better mental health support services.

A short online survey has been developed to help identify the specific needs of young people living in Greater Shepparton, so state funding can be allocated to best serve their needs.

CLICK HERE to take the GSCC/VicHealth 'Bright Futures" Survey.

The survey is open til August 12.

VicHealth’s ‘Bright Futures’ regional funding focuses on key aspects of young people’s lives to gauge their level of resilience and mental wellbeing. With an aim to explore and understand the impact or cause of poor mental wellbeing a series of questions have been collated by representatives from local education settings, health services and community organisations.

Any ideas from young people about what would make life easier to feel mentally healthy more often, or what they would like to change to improve life for all young people can be captured too.

All survey information will remain anonymous and will be be collated to share with local organisations that will work together to discuss the results.

Don't forget to click the link at the end of the survey to enter your name and mobile number or email address to go into our prize draw too (if you are under 18 please ask an adult's permission). You could win some great prizes!

For more information about the survey please call your Municipal Health Project Officer by telephone 5832 9400.

The World Health Organisation recognises that mental wellbeing is when each person knows their own abilities, can cope with stress, can work to get things done and gets involved with people where they live, or in their community. 

Evidence suggests that there are five ways to help you improve your mental wellbeing:

  • 1 - Connect with others; family, friends, work mates and neighbours
  • 2 - Be Active; take a walk, play sport, enjoy a hobby
  • 3 - Keep learning; improve your confidence and sense of achievement
  • 4 - Give to others; smile and engage with others, volunteer, get involved in town events
  • 5 - Be mindful; think about the present moment, how your body feels and what makes you feel better.


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