Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 17 June, 2016. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

#GreaterSheppSnapshot: Mayor meets with Foreign Minister

Greater Shepparton Mayor, Cr Dinny Adem caught up with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop MP on her recent visit to Shepparton.

Ms Bishop, who was in town as part of the Federal Election campaign, stopped by the Melbourne University Department of Rural Health.

It was here that Cr Adem was able to discuss the major Transformational Priorities for Greater Shepparton, including;

  • 1. Water Security for Irrigated Agriculture
  • 2. A New SAM
  • 3. Goulburn Valley Highway Shepparton Bypass
  • 4. Goulburn Valley Health Radiotherapy Services
  • 5. Improved Passenger Rail Services Between Shepparton and Melbourne
  • 6. High Speed Rail - Sydney to Melbourne via Shepparton
  • 7. Food Bowl Inland Rail Route

Ms Bishop was presented with our our 14 page booklet outlining these priorities in detail, and also explains our region's strategic importance to the nation.

Ms Bishop happily received the information, stating she was looking forward to reading through it on the plane.


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