Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 20 March, 2014. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Harmony Day - Everyone Belongs

Greater Shepparton City Council invites community members to attend a Harmony Day morning tea on Friday 21 March at SPC Ardmona KidsTown.

Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. Celebrating Harmony Day is an opportunity to learn and understand how all Australians from all backgrounds equally enrich this nation.

Greater Shepparton Mayor Jenny Houlihan said Greater Shepparton's Harmony Day morning tea is free for the community to attend.

"As well as the morning tea, there will be face painting as well as Henna painting and other cultural activities," Cr Houlihan said.

"Harmony Day celebrates our diversity and as Shepparton is built on years of migration and our Aboriginal history I don't think there is better place to celebrate our diverse community than here in Shepparton.

"Council is only one of a number of organisations celebrating Harmony Day, so there are a few celebrations the community can join in.

"I'd also like to encourage businesses and other groups who haven't already organised a function to arrange their own event and celebrate their unique diverse community."

A free bus will pick attendees up from the following locations:

  • 9:25am - Colliver Rd Children's Centre
  • 9:35am - K-Mart 
  • 9:45am - Queens Gardens

The courtesy bus will leave KidsTown at 12:30pm to drop back at the same locations.

Greater Shepparton City Council is hosting this morning tea in partnership with Goulburn Valley Library, Primary Care Connect, Rumbalara, The Bridge, Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District, Relationships Australia, GoTAFE, FamilyCare, Word and Mouth, Uniting Care Cutting Edge, Shepparton English Language Services.

- Released 20 March 2014


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