Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Tuesday, 15 November, 2022. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have your say on Council’s 2023/2024 Budget

Work is already underway on Greater Shepparton City Council’s 2023/2024 Budget and the community are encouraged to share their feedback to help shape the upcoming document.

For the second year, Council is changing the way it does community consultation for the annual Budget and have included a community feedback phase ahead of the document being drafted early next year.

Mayor Cr Shane Sali said Council decided to hear from the community before the draft Budget for the first time last year, which was very well received. Given the positive feedback, Council decided to undertake this pre-draft consultation once again.

“We decided to engage with the community before the draft Budget was put together to better understand the needs of residents and find out what the priorities are in the next financial year,” he said.

“Community feedback is an extremely important part of compiling Council’s Budget and judging by the large number of submissions we received last year the community really valued the opportunity to have their say.

“We want to know what people would like to see funded, whether they know of any upgrades to infrastructure or community facilities across the region or would like funding for major programs. Community feedback is very valuable and I encourage everyone to have their say now.”

Each year the Budget funds and supports many different services and programs along with a large capital works program. Council have developed an online survey via the Shaping Greater Shepp website which asks locals questions about this funding to find out which services and programs are most used. The survey also asks residents which capital works programs they would most like to see funds allocated to.

Previous feedback received on Council Budgets have resulted in funding for several major developments and upgrades across the municipality including a new playground at Tatura Park, and Toolamba Tennis Court redevelopment design and Murchison-Toolamba Community Hub design which were all funded in the 2022/2023 Budget.

Cr Sali urged the community to think about what they would like to see funded in Greater Shepparton and share their ideas and feedback with Council via the online survey.

“Once the community have had their say, Council will go through each of the submissions and assess whether the ideas and feedback can be included in the 2023/2024 Budget or future Budgets,” he said.

“The information we receive will then help us compile the draft Budget before it is put to Councillors for consultation. The more feedback we receive the better we will understand the community’s needs and desires for our region.”

The 2023/2024 Budget consultation survey is open to all Greater Shepparton residents from today, Monday 14 November, until Friday 9 December. Visit Shaping Greater Shepparton to view the survey and have your say.

For more information or to arrange a time to chat with Council’s Manager Finance and Rates, phone 5832 9700.


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