Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Wednesday, 12 May, 2021. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have your say on Council’s new festive decorations

Greater Shepparton City Council is calling on the community to help choose a new festive decoration design theme.

Three design options have been developed into a Festive Style Guide which is currently available to view on the Shaping Greater Shepp consultation website.

Each of the three designs were developed by Council following community feedback received in 2019 and 2020.

Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Councillor Kim O’Keeffe thanked the community for providing their feedback and ideas to help improve the region’s festive decorations.

“Council received a fantastic level of response from the community, with locals providing a range of ideas including wanting to see more traditional styles, classic designs and lots of smaller decorations rather than one or two large installations,” she said.

“Each of the submissions received were carefully considered and have helped inform the three proposed festive design concepts which are now on public display.”

Members of the community have two weeks to nominate which festive design they prefer.

The style which receives the most votes will then be used to develop new town entrance flags, ground decals, corflutes and other decorations to be installed during the festive season, with the design being in circulation for the next four years.

“We encourage everyone to jump onto the Shaping Greater Shepp consultation website to vote on which festive design they would like to see applied across the municipality,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

“The decorations are for our community to enjoy and be inspired by each year so it’s important for them to be part of the design process.”

Community members have until Tuesday 25 May 2021 to provide their feedback. To view the three designs and to choose a favourite, visit or drop in to the Council Office at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton to view the designs and vote via hardcopy survey.


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