Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Friday, 11 December, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have your say on end of life care in Victoria.

Victorians are being urged to have their say and join the discussion about the future of end of life care.

Consultation is underway across Victoria with health professionals, carers, families and members of the community to develop a new state-wide End of Life Care Framework.

Did you know that many people with a life-limiting illness die in hospital, when they would have preferred to die at home? Figures show that up to 70 per cent of Australians would prefer to die at home, but only 14 per cent actually do so. Have your say on what dying well means to you, as well as the services that will support you or your loved ones during end of life.

A new discussion paper “Greater Say for Victorians: Improving End of Life Care” has been released that includes a number of themes and key questions to consider.

While sometimes difficult and confronting, this is a discussion we need to have – as individuals, families, communities and providers - because Victorians deserve the best end of life care.

We have an opportunity to think differently, and be innovative about what more we can do to ensure Victorians have access to the best quality end of life care.

If people’s experiences of death and dying matters to you, visit and read our Discussion Paper to have your say on Victoria’s new end of life care framework.

By visiting our website, you can contribute by:

  • Posting a 140 character idea about what matters most to you
  • Posting a longer comment about any of the five outcome areas below
  • Sending us your written feedback via mail to the postal address below.

Your contributions will help us develop a new policy framework to support better end of life care for all Victorians.

The development of a new end of life care framework will help us shape a future health system that is person centred and responsive to the wishes of individuals and families.  Victoria’s new framework must ensure people are well supported and safe during end of life, with their dignity and comfort paramount.  


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