Coordinated by Sustainability Victoria, the survey will assist in developing a regional campaign to combat littering and illegal dumping.
Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Councillor Kim O’Keeffe said stopping illegal dumping needs the entire community’s involvement and support.
“Unfortunately littering and illegal dumping is a persistent problem for our region and many others. While attitudes and behaviours have improved we need to continue taking action among the community to reduce and remove this problem,” Cr O’Keeffe said.
“I strongly encourage everyone to have their say in this survey so we can identify and action the community’s top priorities.”
Council’s Manager Works and Waste Janelle Bunfield said the survey data would be beneficial for the community and Council.
“The development of a Regional Litter and Illegal Dumping Plan is one opportunity to identify a range of strategies and priorities that will assist us to further enhance our local amenity,” Mrs Bunfield said.
To gather as much data as possible there is an incentive and those who fill out the survey will be entered into a draw to win a $100 eftpos gift card awarded by the GVWRRG.
Surveys must be completed by midnight on Sunday 4 August 2019 and the results will be reported back to the community in the following months.