Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 17 October, 2019. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have Your Say on the Draft Greater Shepparton Affordable Housing Strategy

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15 October 2019, Council resolved to release the Draft Greater Shepparton Affordable Housing Strategy for public comment for a period of six weeks, commencing on Friday 18 October 2019 and concluding on Monday 2 December 2019.

While housing provision has not historically been a function of Council, changes to the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act) in June 2018 have given Council additional responsibility and capacity to facilitate Affordable Housing, defined as ‘housing, including Social Housing, that is appropriate for the housing needs of very low, low and moderate income households.’

The Strategy recognises Council’s role as land-use planning authority, to support negotiation of agreements with land owners and developers to provide affordable housing as part of residential developments. It also explores broader actions Council could take to address Affordable Housing need and support future housing affordability by demonstrating leadership, advocating for funding, and undertaking community development to support positive social outcomes.

The Draft Affordable Housing Strategy was informed by extensive pre-draft input from the community and key stakeholders. 

Mayor Cr Kim O’Keeffe said Council are hoping the see a similar broad range of responses to the Strategy from across the community.

“A lack of appropriate and Affordable Housing affects everyone in Greater Shepparton, in different ways. Council needs information and feedback from the community to ensure we are focusing our attention where it is needed, and using our resources in the most efficient ways,” Cr O’Keeffe said.

The community is invited to contribute their thoughts and ideas about the draft Affordable Housing Strategy by making a submission online here, by emailing Council, or by post to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton VIC 3632.

Submissions can also be handed in at Council reception, or placed in the after-hours mailbox next to the front doors of Council’s offices at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton.

Feedback from submissions will be used to inform the preparation of the final Affordable Housing Strategy, due early next year.

For more information on the Affordable Housing Policy visit the link above, or contact the Building and Planning Department on (03) 5832 9730.


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