Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 8 January, 2015. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Have your wet weather plan in place

Greater Shepparton residents are encouraged to make sure they have a plan in place to protect their property in the event of thunderstorms and wet weather forecast between today and Monday, which may cause flash flooding.

Council staff are checking critical council infrastructure such as retention basins and pumps to minimise any impacts should the rain events be heavier than normal.

Council's Director Infrastructure Steve Bowmaker said heavy rain events, such as those predicted for the next few days; present challenges for everyone given how flat our landscape is.

“Council staff are proactively inspecting all of our assets to minimise risks of failures. Residents should ensure that they have prepared their homes for the potential rain events by clearing roof gutters and checking drains,” Mr Bowmaker said.

“Please also keep an eye on your family and friends as well as elderly or disabled neighbours to ensure they are prepared for a heavy rain event."

The SES is the responsible authority for flood events and can be contacted on 132 500 (in an emergency), 1300 842 737 or for more information, visit

 If you believe that Council infrastructure is not functioning correctly and wish to make a report, please call our Customer Service line on 03 5832 9700. To ensure you are prepared in the event of a major storm, visit 


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